Unit 05. Inventions. Lesson 1. Getting started

Chia sẻ bởi Triệu Việt Anh | Ngày 08/05/2019 | 97

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 05. Inventions. Lesson 1. Getting started thuộc Tiếng Anh 10

Nội dung tài liệu:

Listen and read:
-reward (v, n)
-laptop (n)
-generous (a)
-rather (adv)
-wise (a)
-wisdom (n)
-benefit (n, v)
-portable (a) = easy to carry around
-economical (a) saving lot of money
-versatile (a) = having many different uses.
-definitely (adv)
-define (v)
-invention (n)
-inventor (n)
-invent (v)
-research (v)
-researcher (n)
-assignment (n)
-assign (v)
-type (v)
-typist (n)
2.Answer the questions
* Suggested answers:
1. He promised to reward Phong if he passed the English test.
2. Because his old mobile phone is still good.
3. Computers have changed our lives in many ways: faster communication, free entertainment and convenient shopping.
4. He will use his laptop for listening to music, playing games, chatting with his friends, researching topics on the Web and typing his assignment.
5. I agree with his father, because laptop is very useful and portable
3.Match each word with its definition
1.generous –c: kind and ready to give more of something than expected
2.portable-a:easy to carry around
3.economical-d: giving good value for money
4.versatile-b: having many different uses
What kind of modern equipment do you have? => I have a smartphone
What does it help you?=> I help me to read newspaper, contact with other people easily and quickly
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