Trung tâm yên lặng

Chia sẻ bởi Trần Ngọc Xuyến | Ngày 24/10/2018 | 128

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Trung tâm yên lặng thuộc Bài giảng khác

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Câu 53:
What is the “quiescent center” and where is it located? What is known about the function of the quiescent center?
This structure is located just behind the root cap and consists of 500-1,000 seemingly inactive cells.
 These cells are usually in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and divide only about once every 15-20 days.
 Quiescent and meristematic cells are different in sensitivity to environmental problems such as radiation.
For example, meristematic cells stop dividing when exposed to x rays while quiescent cells are unaffected by radiation and soon begin dividing to reform the meristem.

 Cells in the quiescent center function as a reservoir to replace damaged cells of the meristem.
 Its important because it organizes the patterns of primary growth in roots.

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Người chia sẻ: Trần Ngọc Xuyến
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