Tổng Quan về Access 2010
Chia sẻ bởi Vương Kỳ Vĩ |
Ngày 10/05/2019 |
Chia sẻ tài liệu: Tổng Quan về Access 2010 thuộc Tin học 12
Nội dung tài liệu:
Giáo viên: Trần Thị Kim Chi
Program of subject
Access 2003 Personal Trainer by CustomGuide Inc.
Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out by JohnV. Leiscas.
Microsoft Office Access 2003 - The Complete Reference by Virginia Andersen.
Microsoft Office Access Help (Online & Offline)
Giáo trình & bài tập MS Access 2003 của trường ĐH Công Nghiệp TP.HCM
Giáo trình MS Access 2000 của Nguyễn Thiện Tâm – TT tin học thuộc ĐH KHTN (3 tập)
Các chương trình , bài tập mẫu
Test and Evaluate
Chapter I
1. Introduction to Databases
2. Introduction about MS Access 2003
Introduces to Database
Database is a collection of information that is organized into a list and stored in a manner similar to a file cabinet as figure 1.
A database program lets you:
Store Information.
Find Information.
Analyze and Print Information.
Manage Information.
Share Information.
1.1) What is Database
Figure 1: Similar to a file cabinet...
Example: Information of the Student is stored in a database as following:
Introduces to Database
DBMS is a computer software program that manages the storage of data in a computer and the retrival of information from that database.
Database management includes the following processes:
Creating a database table to store the data.
Appending or Adding data to the table in the form of records.
Saving the database table so the added records are available at a later time.
Retrieval of the data for display on a screen or printing.
Modification of the data to correct input errors or to update data.
Deletion of data that is no longer required.
A DBMS organises the data stored in a database is called the data model.
Introduces to Database
1.2) Database Managerment Systems (DBMS)
A RDBMS is a database in which tables may be joined, linked or related. Examples of commerical database packages using this model include:
Dbase version 7
Microsoft Access 2003
FoxPro version 5
More commonly encountered in medium to large enterprise enviromments are the following RDBMS: Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server.
RDBMS model:
Table, column, row (relation, field, record)
Key and Relationship
Introduces to Database
1.3) Relational Database Managerment Systems (RDBMS)
Example: Table represent information of the student as following:
Introduces to Database
Để quản lý hóa đơn bán hàng ta cần xây dựng một CSDL gồm các bảng sau :
SanPham: Represent information of the products as Masp, Tensp, Donvitinh, DongiaMua, Slton.
KhachHang: Represent information of the customers Makh, Tenkh, Diachi, DienThoai.
Nhanvien: Represent information of the employees as Manv, Honv, Tennv, Phai, Ngaysinh, Diachi, DienThoai, Hinh.
Hoađon: Represent information of the invoice as Mahd, LoaiHD, Makh, Manv, NgaylapHD, NgayGiaoNhanHang, DienGiai.
Chitiethoadon: Represent information of the detail invoice as Mahd, Masp, Soluong, DongiaBan.
Introduces to Database
Introduces to Database
Access 2003 is a Windows based application therefore Windows must be running before Access 2003 can be started.
Features of Access 2003:
MS Access 2003 is a DBMS, integrate tools to build small and simple database application.
Ability to display database object dependencies.
MS Access has ability convert data between another application as Word, Excel, Dbase, Fox, HTML,…
MS Access can run in network envoriment.
XML Support.
Data can used by many people that ensure securities.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Setup configuration
Personal Computer with a Petium 100 processor.
A minimum of 32MB of RAM.
60 MB of disk space for a complete installation.
60 MB of disk space for a typical installation.
Windows operation system.
Click Start Select Run Select drive contain MS Access software Select Setup.exe file.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Starting Access
Click the Start button on the taskbar.
Point to All Programs.
Click Microsoft Office.
Click Microsoft Office Access 2003.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Title bar
Menu bar
Introduces about MS Access 2003
1) Create A New Database (.Mdb):
Click Create a new file
Or Click File menu Select New
Or Click New button
Or Press CTRL+N.
Create a Blank Database
Create a New Database
From an Existing Database
Create a blank Database
Or a database according to sample of Access
Select drive/folder
contain Database
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
2) Open A Database (.Mdb):
Click the Open button on the Database toolbar
Or Click More…from Task Panel
Or Click file name in Task Panel
Click the Look In list arrow, and then click the appropriate folder containing the database you want to open.
Click the database you want to open.
Click Open.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
The Microsoft Access User Interface
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
The Groups bar allows you to group database objects the way you want them,
creating shortcuts to objects of different types.
The Objects bar lists the types of objects in a database
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Table (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Table (DataSheet View)
Query (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Query (Datasheet View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Form (Design View)
Form (Datasheet View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Report (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Report (Print PreView)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Convert Access Database
Compacting and Repairing
Setting a Database Password
Encoding and Decoding a Database
Change interface of Database Window
Closing a Database and Quitting Access
Managing a Database
Managing a Database
Convert Access Database
Click the Tools menuOptions.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click the Default File Format list arrowformat.
Click OK.
Managing a Database
Convert a Database to Another Version of Access
Click the Tools menu Database Utilities Convert Database.
Click the command with the version in which you want to convert the database.
Enter the name for the converted database.
If necessary, click the Save In list arrowselect the drive and folder where you want to save the database.
Click Save.
Managing a Database
Make sure all users close the database.
Open the database with administrative privileges.
Click the Tools menu Database Utilities.
Click Compact And Repair Database.
Compacting and Repairing
Setting a Database Password
Enter Password
Confirm Password
Managing a Database
Open Database (Select Open Exclusive)
Click Tools menu Security Set Database Password
Deleting a Database Password
Enter Password
Managing a Database
Open Database (Select Open Exclusive)
Click Tools menu SecurityUnSet Database Password
Encoding and Decoding a Database
Managing a Database
Make sure all users close the database.
Click the Tools menu Security Encode/Decode Database.
Locate and select the database file you want to encode.
Specify a name and location for the encoded version of your database file.
Click Save.
Click View Menu Select:
Database objects (Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, Modules) : select object in a database.
Large icon, Small icon, List, Detail: view objects by another ways.
Arrange Icons : sort objects
Click Edit Menu Select
Rename/Delete/Copy/Cut/Paste Object
Click Window Menu Select
Hide/unhide : Hide/Unhide database window.
Managing a Database
Change interface of Database Window
Close a Database
Click the Close button on the Database window.
If necessary, click Yes to save any changes you made or No to ignore any changes.
Quit Access
Click the Close button on the Access window title bar.
If necessary, click Yes to save any changes you made or No to ignore any changes.
Managing a Database
Closing a Database and Quitting Access
Thank you
Giáo viên: Trần Thị Kim Chi
Program of subject
Access 2003 Personal Trainer by CustomGuide Inc.
Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out by JohnV. Leiscas.
Microsoft Office Access 2003 - The Complete Reference by Virginia Andersen.
Microsoft Office Access Help (Online & Offline)
Giáo trình & bài tập MS Access 2003 của trường ĐH Công Nghiệp TP.HCM
Giáo trình MS Access 2000 của Nguyễn Thiện Tâm – TT tin học thuộc ĐH KHTN (3 tập)
Các chương trình , bài tập mẫu
Test and Evaluate
Chapter I
1. Introduction to Databases
2. Introduction about MS Access 2003
Introduces to Database
Database is a collection of information that is organized into a list and stored in a manner similar to a file cabinet as figure 1.
A database program lets you:
Store Information.
Find Information.
Analyze and Print Information.
Manage Information.
Share Information.
1.1) What is Database
Figure 1: Similar to a file cabinet...
Example: Information of the Student is stored in a database as following:
Introduces to Database
DBMS is a computer software program that manages the storage of data in a computer and the retrival of information from that database.
Database management includes the following processes:
Creating a database table to store the data.
Appending or Adding data to the table in the form of records.
Saving the database table so the added records are available at a later time.
Retrieval of the data for display on a screen or printing.
Modification of the data to correct input errors or to update data.
Deletion of data that is no longer required.
A DBMS organises the data stored in a database is called the data model.
Introduces to Database
1.2) Database Managerment Systems (DBMS)
A RDBMS is a database in which tables may be joined, linked or related. Examples of commerical database packages using this model include:
Dbase version 7
Microsoft Access 2003
FoxPro version 5
More commonly encountered in medium to large enterprise enviromments are the following RDBMS: Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server.
RDBMS model:
Table, column, row (relation, field, record)
Key and Relationship
Introduces to Database
1.3) Relational Database Managerment Systems (RDBMS)
Example: Table represent information of the student as following:
Introduces to Database
Để quản lý hóa đơn bán hàng ta cần xây dựng một CSDL gồm các bảng sau :
SanPham: Represent information of the products as Masp, Tensp, Donvitinh, DongiaMua, Slton.
KhachHang: Represent information of the customers Makh, Tenkh, Diachi, DienThoai.
Nhanvien: Represent information of the employees as Manv, Honv, Tennv, Phai, Ngaysinh, Diachi, DienThoai, Hinh.
Hoađon: Represent information of the invoice as Mahd, LoaiHD, Makh, Manv, NgaylapHD, NgayGiaoNhanHang, DienGiai.
Chitiethoadon: Represent information of the detail invoice as Mahd, Masp, Soluong, DongiaBan.
Introduces to Database
Introduces to Database
Access 2003 is a Windows based application therefore Windows must be running before Access 2003 can be started.
Features of Access 2003:
MS Access 2003 is a DBMS, integrate tools to build small and simple database application.
Ability to display database object dependencies.
MS Access has ability convert data between another application as Word, Excel, Dbase, Fox, HTML,…
MS Access can run in network envoriment.
XML Support.
Data can used by many people that ensure securities.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Setup configuration
Personal Computer with a Petium 100 processor.
A minimum of 32MB of RAM.
60 MB of disk space for a complete installation.
60 MB of disk space for a typical installation.
Windows operation system.
Click Start Select Run Select drive contain MS Access software Select Setup.exe file.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Starting Access
Click the Start button on the taskbar.
Point to All Programs.
Click Microsoft Office.
Click Microsoft Office Access 2003.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Title bar
Menu bar
Introduces about MS Access 2003
1) Create A New Database (.Mdb):
Click Create a new file
Or Click File menu Select New
Or Click New button
Or Press CTRL+N.
Create a Blank Database
Create a New Database
From an Existing Database
Create a blank Database
Or a database according to sample of Access
Select drive/folder
contain Database
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
2) Open A Database (.Mdb):
Click the Open button on the Database toolbar
Or Click More…from Task Panel
Or Click file name in Task Panel
Click the Look In list arrow, and then click the appropriate folder containing the database you want to open.
Click the database you want to open.
Click Open.
Introduces about MS Access 2003
The Microsoft Access User Interface
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
The Groups bar allows you to group database objects the way you want them,
creating shortcuts to objects of different types.
The Objects bar lists the types of objects in a database
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Table (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Table (DataSheet View)
Query (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Query (Datasheet View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Form (Design View)
Form (Datasheet View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Report (Design View)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Report (Print PreView)
Introduces about MS Access 2003
Convert Access Database
Compacting and Repairing
Setting a Database Password
Encoding and Decoding a Database
Change interface of Database Window
Closing a Database and Quitting Access
Managing a Database
Managing a Database
Convert Access Database
Click the Tools menuOptions.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click the Default File Format list arrowformat.
Click OK.
Managing a Database
Convert a Database to Another Version of Access
Click the Tools menu Database Utilities Convert Database.
Click the command with the version in which you want to convert the database.
Enter the name for the converted database.
If necessary, click the Save In list arrowselect the drive and folder where you want to save the database.
Click Save.
Managing a Database
Make sure all users close the database.
Open the database with administrative privileges.
Click the Tools menu Database Utilities.
Click Compact And Repair Database.
Compacting and Repairing
Setting a Database Password
Enter Password
Confirm Password
Managing a Database
Open Database (Select Open Exclusive)
Click Tools menu Security Set Database Password
Deleting a Database Password
Enter Password
Managing a Database
Open Database (Select Open Exclusive)
Click Tools menu SecurityUnSet Database Password
Encoding and Decoding a Database
Managing a Database
Make sure all users close the database.
Click the Tools menu Security Encode/Decode Database.
Locate and select the database file you want to encode.
Specify a name and location for the encoded version of your database file.
Click Save.
Click View Menu Select:
Database objects (Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, Modules) : select object in a database.
Large icon, Small icon, List, Detail: view objects by another ways.
Arrange Icons : sort objects
Click Edit Menu Select
Rename/Delete/Copy/Cut/Paste Object
Click Window Menu Select
Hide/unhide : Hide/Unhide database window.
Managing a Database
Change interface of Database Window
Close a Database
Click the Close button on the Database window.
If necessary, click Yes to save any changes you made or No to ignore any changes.
Quit Access
Click the Close button on the Access window title bar.
If necessary, click Yes to save any changes you made or No to ignore any changes.
Managing a Database
Closing a Database and Quitting Access
Thank you
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