The Dog show.

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Nga | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 54

Chia sẻ tài liệu: The Dog show. thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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The dog show
It’s morning time, Eddie took his dog Max for a walk for 30 minutes.
Dog show.
Suddenly, Eddie saw a dog show. He and Max came to the show to watch how dogs been trained. He liked the show very much. It was amazing!
After watching the show, Eddie remembered to earn money to go to the moon. So he had a plan that he could join the dog show to earn 2000 pounds. So he wrote a paper that he will be a competitor of the show.
Then, Eddie felt very, very nervous. He thinks, he thinks and later he came out with an idea . He said to himself: “ If I will help Max training, he will be the winner, I will have 2000 pounds and I can get to the moon.”
So, Eddie went home to find out how to train dogs. He found a book on the bookshelf named: “ Dog training “. That’s a perfect book he found.
Dog training .
The book was very easy and he learned by heart everything from the book for 17 minutes. He wants to find more thing so he surfed the internet how to train dogs by a difficult way.
LBP 3300
Eddie found lots of information about the dog training. But how can he learn by heart? He had got an idea that he must print them. There were one hundred information for one hundred papers. They were everywhere so he has to pick them all up and made them into the book.
Dog’s difficult training.
After made them into a book, he wrote the title of the book. The book named: Dog’s difficult training.
He started to read it, it was really difficult to understand and hard to learn by heart. So, he tried himself to learn by heart. It took hours and hours to learn by heart
After 2 hours left, he has remembered everything from the printed book.
But it’s bedtime so he has no more time to train Max. He thought that he could train him tomorrow . He slept” ZZZZZZ”
It’s morning time.
Eddie woke up. He went downstairs to go jogging. He will take Max too. When he got outside, he didn’t see Max. So he find him at his small cage, he didn’t see him. Where is he?
Max! Where are you?
Later, he saw a paper on the wall. It was the picture of Max. So he thought that Max is lost.
Suddenly, his phone rings. He answered the phone. It was the police. He felt nervous. But the police said that Max, his dog was watching a dog show. Eddie said to the police: “ Thank goodness you found him “.
Dog show
So he ran to the dog show to find him.
Finally, Eddie has found Max. “ Quick, we don’t have time for watching, we have to go training.” Said Eddie to Max.
All these training actions helped Max become a good dog.
But one more thing Eddie wanted is Max’s talent. Max has a very clever talent. He put one of his leg to the ground. And the other legs raised up to the sky.
After the training, Eddie and Max went home to sleep early so they won’t be late for the dog show tomorrow.
It’s morning time and Eddie brought Max to the dog show.
First is the high jump. Max jumped very high and he pass that round.
Second is jump over the
Hoop and Max pass that.
The final is his
Talent. He does like
He did yesterday. And
Max is the winner of the
2000 pounds
The end
By Đàm Phương Minh Khuê.
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...

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