Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Văn Hiền | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 146

Chia sẻ tài liệu: REVIEW FOR IOE GRADE 5- ORDER THE WORDS thuộc Các CT khác

Nội dung tài liệu:

1. have / many/ I / friends/ at school. /
I have many friends at school.
2. What / do you/ today? / go to school/ time/
What time do you go to school today?
3. bears? /Why/ Nam/ does/ like/
Why does Nam like bears?
4. guess/ job?/ Can/ you/ his/
Can you guess his job?
5. near/ There is / bank/ a/ my school./
There is a bank near my school.
6. love/ to learn/ many interesting things/ about animals./ I /
I love to learn many interesting things about animals.
7. maps/ on/ the shelf. / The/ are/
The maps are on the shelf.
8. floor./ She/ on/ lives/ the second/
She lives on the second floor.
9. a TV/ window./ There is/ near/ the/
There is a TV near the window.
10. in/ 5B./ are/ He and I/ class/
He and I are in class 5B.
11. some coffee/ What about/ for/ going out / now?/
What about going out for some coffee now?
12. to/ be/ Jimmy/ a teacher./ wants/
Jimmy wants to be a teacher.
13. in/ There are/ many/ beautiful flowers/ our garden./
There are many beautiful flowers in our garden.
14. He has/ a lot of/ friends/ new/ here./
He has a lot of new friends here.
15. for/ go/ walk./ a/ Let’s/
Let’s go for a walk.
16. do you/ about? / What/ to talk/ like/
What do you like to talk about?
17. late./ bed/ He/ never/ goes to/
He never goes to bed late.
18. tennis/ the moment./ My brother/ at/ is playing/
My brother is playing tennis at the moment.
19. like/ for dinner? / would you/ vegetables/ What/
What vegetables would you like for dinner?
20. to read/ learn/ and write/ We/ in Vietnamese./
We learn to read and write in Vietnamese.
21. having? / What/ are/ subject/ you/
What subject are you having?
22. of/ photograph/ my daughter./ a new/ This is/
This is a new photograph of my daughter.
23. is/ a/ popular/ singer./ Hong Nhung/
Hong Nhung is a popular singer.
24. English exercises/ now? / is doing/ in the room/ Who/
Who is doing English exercises in the room now?
25. There/ is/ no need/ hurry./ to/
There is no need to hurry.
26. go to/ school. / doesn’t/ she/ Today/
Today she doesn’t go to school.
27. pets. / about/ some funny stories/ reading/ They are/
They are reading some funny stories about pets.
28. having/ you/ English lesson? / Are / an/
Are you having an English lesson?
29. near/ I / live/ post office./ the/
I live near the post office.
30. small/ but/ is/ My house/ beautiful. /
My house is small but beautiful.
31. my/ new/ pen/ friend./ Tom is/
Tom is my new pen friend.
32. animals and plants./ learn/ about/ I / a lot/
I learn a lot about animals and plants.
33. is/ my/ favourite/ subject./ Informatics/
Informatics is my favourite subject.
34. time./ We/ much/ don’t / have/
We don’t have much time.
35. sister/ looks/ today./ unhappy/ My/
My sister looks unhappy today.
36. with/ her homework?/ help/ Mary/ do you/
Do you help Mary with her homework?
37. The baby/ sleeping/ is/ the moment./ at/
The baby is sleeping at the moment.
38. reading/ on/ She is/ zoo animals./ a text/
She is reading a text on zoo animals.
39. hard/ a / is/ Lien/ worker./
Lien is a hard worker.
40. to me./ is/ every night/ boring/ watching TV/
Watching TV every night is boring to me.
41. often give me/ as/ My friends/ presents./ books/
My friends often gives me books as presents.
42. a/ Does/ want/ Mr.Smith/ new raincoat?/
Does Mr. Smith want a new raincoat?
43. a lot./ makes/ The news/ friend/ cry/
The news makes my friend cry a lot.
44. house/ near/ the park./ is not/ their/
Their house is not near the park.
45. the weather/ Vietnam./ loves/ Miss Jenny/ in/
Miss Jenny loves the weather in Vietnam.
46. always/ complete/ Linh/ the puzzle./ and Hoa/
Linh and Hoa always complete the puzzle.
47. chess/ the classroom. / playing/ in/ They are/
They are playing chess in the classroom.
48. My brother/ like/ my mother./ look/ and I/
My brother and I look like my mother.
49. Why/ looking at/ is she/ / like that? / me/
Why is she looking at me like that?
50. I / yesterday./ at/ the School Festival/ was/
I was at the School Festival yesterday.
51. She/ to dance./ know/ didn’t / how/
She didn’t know how to dance.
52. enjoyed / much./ the celebration/ very/ Everyone/
Everyone enjoyed the celebration very much.
53. working week./ I am/ after/ a busy/ very tired/
I am very tired after a busy working week.
54. Why/ don’t we/ with them?/ watch TV/ at home/
Why don’t we watch TV at home with them?
55. Jennie has/ blue/ eyes./ hair and/ black/
Jennis has black hair and blue eyes.
56. weekend? / Where/ last/ were/ you/
Where were you last weekend?
57. any trees/ house? / Are there/ your sister’s/ near/
Are there any trees near your sister’s house?
58. is/ Who / in / that photo?/ the boy/
Who is the boy in that photo?
59. to Saturday./ Monday/ have classes/ Mary and Jane/ from/
Mary and Jane have classes from Monday to Saturday.
60. very much/ playing/ table tennis/ Tommy’s sister/ likes/
Tommy’s sister likes table tennis very much.
61. is/ Football/ sport./ favourite/ my/
Football is my favourite sport.
62. a/ Everyone/time./ had/ good/
Everyone had a good time.
63. buy/ a/ her wedding party./ Let’s/ peresent for/
Let’s buy a present for her wedding party.
64. was/ in the park/ held/ The festival/ near our school./
The festival was held in the park near our school.
65. do you/ at night? / go out/ let your children/ Why/
Why do you let your children go out at night?
66. interested in/ They are/ baseball/ everyday./ playing/
They are interested in playing baseball everyday.
67. a lot of/ there./ students/ There /were/
There were a lot of students there.
68. tomorrow/ at/ meet/ 7 p.m./ Let’s/
Let’s meet tomorrow at 7 p.m.
69. many beautiful flowers/ There are/ my grandmother’s house./ in the park/ near/
There are many beautiful flowers in the park near my grandmother’s house.
70. Laura like / sweet and biscuits/ 5 years old/ Did/ when she was/
Did Laura like sweet and biscuits when she was 5 years old?
71. often wear/ They/ boots and/ in the winter./ arm clothes/
They often wear boots and warm clothes in the winter.
72. when/ didn’t like/ My father/ he was young./ drinking beer/
My father didn’t like drinking beer when he was young.
73. likes/ candies/ John/ very/ much./
John likes candies very much.
74. the break time, / During/ play chess/ they usually/ with their classmates./
During the break time, they usually play chess with their classmates.
75. My English/ white/ teeth./ teacher/ has small/
My English teacher has small white teeth.
76. an hour. / for/ together/ The children/ played/
The children played together for an hour.
77. My students/ their kites/ sometimes/ after school./ fly/
My students sometimes fly their kites after school.
78. last month?/ a song festival/ your school/ Did/ hold/
Did your school hold a song festival last month?
79. bought/ a dictionary/ / My parents/ last week./ for me/
My parents bought a dictionary for me last week.
80. often go/ Who/ to the supermarket/ with? / does your daughter/
Who does your daughter often go to the supermarket with?
81. Mary/ the housework./ with/ her parents/ often helps/
Mary often help her parents with the housework.
82. likes/ chicken/ very much./ My little son/ eating/
My little son likes eating chicken very much.
83. at the last night’s party./ told stories/ in English/ Her students/ sang and/
Her students sang and told stories in English at the last night’s party.
84. good/ are not/ children’s teeth./ for/ Candies/
Candies are not good for children’s teeth.
85. My mother/ some stories/ bedtime./ often tells me/ before/
My mother often tells me some stories before bedtime.
86. some colourful balloons/ yesterday./ for/ her friends/ Mary bought/
Mary bought some colourful balloons for her friends yesterday.
87. My little sister/ gets/ dressed/ every morning./ at 6 o’clock/
My little sister gets dressed at 6 o’clock every morning.
88. works/ a shopkeeper/ My mother/ as/ in a flower shop./
My mother works as a shopkeeper in a flower shop.
89. in/ Are/ the days/ long/ winter?
Are the days long in winter?
90. this season./ Students/ to school/ go back/ in/
Students go back to school in this season.
91. have/ you/ do/ How often/ a shower?/
How often do you have a shower?
92. How many/ big hotels/ your city?/ in/ are there/
How many big hotels are there in your city?
93. goes fishing/ never/ in/ bad weather./ My uncle/
My uncle never goes fishing in bad weather.
94. car./ travel/ by/ They/ often/
They often travel by car.
95. the coffee. / I don’t/ want/ much sugar/ in/
I don’t want much sugar in the coffee.
96. the guitar/ after school./ my close friend/ I and/ often play/
I and my close friend often play the guitar after school.
97. an engineer/ as/ for this factory./ My father/ works/
My father works as an engineer for this factory.
98. is your family/ Who/ going to/ with?/ have dinner/
Who is your family going to have dinner with?
99. a lot of/ She is/ in Hanoi. / visiting/ interesting places/
She is visiting a lot of interesting places in Hanoi.
100. I didn’t/ in/ any meat/ our yesterday party./ eat/
I didn’t eat any meat in our yesterday party.
101. an artist/ and a musician./ is/ Trinh Cong Son/ both/
Trinh Cong Son is both an artist and a musician.
102. take/ going to/ I’m/ some fruit./ along/
I’m going to take along some fruit.
103. big black eyes./ and/ a round face/ Katie/ has/
Katie has a round face and big black eyes.
104. What/ they always/ do/ wear/ in the autumn? /
What do they always do in the autumn?
105. there/ his factory?/ a stadium / near/ Is/
Is there a stadium near his factory?
106. How/ seasons/ in Vietname? / are there/ many/
How many seasons are there in Vietnam?
107. My cousins/ the English club/ go to / every/ Saturday evening./
My cousins go to the English club very Satuday evening.
108. Would you/ for you? / like me / to do/ that/
Would you like me to do that for you?
109. out with/ do / When / you go/ your friends? /
When do you go out with your friends?
110. My teacher/ always/ gives us / a lot of / homwork./
My teacher always gives us a lot of homework.
111. Meg invited/ to come to/ me/ yesterday./ her birthday party./
Yesterday Meg invited me to come to her birthday party.
112. near/ the park./ a big house/ My grandparents/ live in/
My grandparents live in a big house near the park.
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Người chia sẻ: Nguyễn Văn Hiền
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