Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Văn Hiền | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 64

Chia sẻ tài liệu: REVIEW FOR IOE GRADE 5 thuộc Các CT khác

Nội dung tài liệu:

1. His house is ............... to my house.
A. behind
B. in front
C. next
D. near
2. He is ............... Vietnam.
A. from
B. at
C. on
D. to
3. They ............... some snacks at the moment.
A. have
B. having
C. is having
D. are having
4. I want to thank you ............... helping me.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. to
5. Choose the odd one out.
A. uncle
B. aunt
C. father
D. friend
6. ............... you like to go fishing with us?
A. Will
B. Would
C. Should
D. Can
7. I ............... sorry. I’m late.
A. am
B. is
C. are
D. not
8. What time is it? It ............... four fifteen.
A. is
B. has
C. at
D. not
9. What time is it? It ............... four fifteen.
A. is
B. has
C. at
D. not
10. He is standing ............... front of the door.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. to
11. They have ............... interesting games.
A. much
B. any
C. a lot of
D. a lots of
12. Is Sue good ............... Literature?
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
13. There are a lot of interesting ............... in the festival.
A. game
B. activities
C. action
D. baseball
14. What are they doing?
A. They play football.
B. They are playing football.
C. They do play football.
D. They like playing football.
15. She is learning ............... to use a computer.
A. what
B. when
C. where
D. how
17. Choose the odd one out.
A. five
B. nine
C. four
D. fine
18. Vietnamese people are very ................
A. friend
B. friends
C. friendly
D. friendship
19. Where are the books?
A. We are on the shelf.
B. It is on the shelf.
C. They are on the shelf.
D. There are on the shelf.
20. She likes the fall.
A. fish
B. fishing
C. fishes
D. to fish
21. She English teacher.
A. being
B. to be
C. is
D. be
22. How many………. are there in the sky?
A. clouds
B. cloud
C. cloudy
D. clouding
23. Students are ………. funny stories.
A. read
B. reading
C. readed
D. reads
25. Choose the odd one out.
A. football
B. song
C. tennis
D. badminton
26. Can you give me a photo ………. you?
A. at
B. of
C. in
D. from
27. They want ………. coffee, but they don’t want any bread.
A. some
B. any
C. many
D. much
28. There are ………. boys in our class.
A. no
B. not
C. none
D. no of
29. Listen to ………. teacher please. Don’t talk in class.
A. the
B. a
C. no
D. an
30. Choose the odd one out.
A. hour
B. minutes
C. hand
D. second
31. ………. does school year start and finish?
A. Why
B. What
C. When
D. Which
32. It’s often warm …… summer and cold ….. Autumn.
A. in/ on
B. on/ in
C. in/ in
D. at/ in
33. My brother loves music very much. He wants to be……….. in the future.
A. a musician
B. a doctor
C. an engineer
D. a writer
34. Are you free ….. today? – No, I’m very busy ……. the housework.
A. in/ with
B. on/ of
C. --/ with
D. at/ to
35. Do you know English? – Just ……..
A. much
B. many
C. little
D. less
36. Our English lesson are …….. long.
A. many
B. much
C. a lot of
D. very
37. Mary …….. me the way to Ho Tay lake.
A. gives
B. shows
C. tell
D. told
38. Mr. and Mrs Pike …….. dinner at the moment.
A. is having
B. are having
C. are eating
D. B & C are correct
39. Everyone in the class …….. these exercises.
A. have to do
B. has to do
C. have do
D. has do
40. Where ….. you usually ……. in the evening?
A. do/ go
B. are/ go
C. is / go
D. do/ going
41. Yesterday they ….. to Ha Long bay.
A. went
B. go
C. are going
D. to go
42. Children ………. play football in the street.
A. can’t
B. have to
C. don’t have
D. are to
43. There isn’t ………. beef in the bowl.
A. some
B. any
C. many
D. a
44. I ………. a bad cold and headache yesterday.
A. was
B. had
C. held
D. did
45. Rebecca is English but she isn’t ……. England. She comes to Vietnam ……Thailand.
A. from/ in
B. from/ for
C. for/ from
D. from/ from
46. ……. Art is his favourite subject.
A. The
B. A
C. An
D. ---
47. We don’t like that film. It’s very……..
A. bore
B. bored
C. boring
D. born
48. We are both ……..doctors.
A. the
B. a
C. an
D. --
49. I like Vietnamese music. ………
A. I, too.
B. So am I.
C. So do I.
D. I am, too.
50. Which sentence is correct?
A. What’s your address?
B. Where is your address?
C. Where do you live in?
D. In where do you live?
51. …….. a good weekend, Danny!
A. Make
B. Do
C. Give
D. Have
52. Where…….. the bathroom?
A. does be
B. is being
C. is
D. does
53. I have to handbags …….. one do you like?
A. What
B. Which
C. Whose
D. Where
54. What does he have in his hand?
A. A house
B. A horse
C. A coin
D. A ship
55. Is there ……..cheese on the table?
A. some
B. any
C. many
D. much
56. Her baby was born…… two o’clock yesterday afternoon.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. into
57. Mr. Pike ..…… us English.
A. teach
B. teaches
C. teachind
D. to teach
58. Don’t ..…… up too late. You have to get up early tomorrow.
A. close
B. stand
C. take
D. stay
59. There is a ..…… on the table.
A. lamp reading
B. read lamp
C. reading lamp
D. reading lamps
60. Let us ….. to the market.
A. go
B. going
C. to go
D. goes
61. Where are your daughters? – They are ….….. in their room.
A. plays
B. play
C. are playing
D. to play
62. ………………? – He feels tired.
A. How do he feel
B. How is he feel
C. How does he feel
D. How he feel
63. ………students like learning about our country’s history.
A. Many
B. Much
C. Little
D. Of all
64. When is your birthday? – It’s on ……………….
A. the September 25.
B. September 25th.
C. September of 25th.
D. 25 of September.
65. Tom and Mary are pupils but Ann ………….
A. isn’t.
B. are.
C. is.
D. aren’t.
66. He loves books. He ………… them everyday.
A. is reading
B. reading
C. read
D. reads
67. ………… your book on page 27, please.
A. Close
B. Look
C. Open
D. Listen
68. Where is my new blouse? - It is ………… your room.
A. on
B. under
C. in
D. above
69. Apple juice, soda and ……are cold drinks.
A. noodles
B. vegetables
C. coke
D. beef
70. How many tables does your classroom .……?
A. are there
B. have
C. is there
D. has
71. .…… do you have English? – On Moday and Friday.
A. What time
B. What
C. When
D. Where
73. What’s.…… dinner today? Bread or rice?
A. on
B. for
C. in
D. of
74. I don’t have my.……here. What do we have today? – Maths, English and Literature.
A. time
B. table
C. pen
D. timetable
75. What is .……to drink? – Soda and Coke.
A. this
B. that
C. there
D. have
76. What is the .……, Daisy? Are you cold? – Yes, and hungry.
A. that
B. matter
C. this
D. there
77. Sara combs her .…… every morning.
A. face
B. nose
C. hair
D. mouth
78. There is a lot of .……in Vietnam.
A. sunny
B. windy
C. rainy
D. rain
79. Is he .……Vietnam or China?
A. on
B. at
C. of
D. from
80. I come.……home at 11.30 in the morning.
A. to
B. at
C. on
D. --
81. My father is not short. He is ..…… and fat.
A. tall
B. fast
C. short
D. high
82. What does Mrs. Smith do? She’s a ..……..
A. farm
B. policeman
C. doctor
D. businessman
83. What ……do you like? – I like warm weather.
A. season
B. activity
C. weather
D. sport
84. It usually ……in March.
A. to rain
B. rain
C. raining
D. rains
85. What’s ……lunch, Ben? – There’s some rice and some fish.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. for
86. How does your father travel to Ninh Binh city? – …….train.
A. On
B. At
C. By
D. In
87. What …….are her eyes? – Black.
A. time
B. class
C. colour
D. subject
88. …….a letter here …….you.
A. It’s/ on
B. It’s/ for
C. There’s/ for
D. It has/ on
89. She’s working in the garden. She looks..….……..
A. hungry
B. tired
C. interesting
D. thirsty
90. Mr. John..….…… his bike to work everyday.
A. drives
B. goes
C. runs
D. rides
91. What did your sister do yesterday? – She……. the museum.
A. visited
B. visit
C. visits
D. was visiting
92. Are the children ……. the house? – Yes, they are.
A. on
B. behind
C. of
D. at
93. We shouldn’t ……. a lot in the evening.
A. eat
B. to eat
C. eats
D. eating
94. What’s the matter, Danny? – I’m ……….
A. nice
B. cold
C. big
D. tall
95. The boy ……… his teacher some beautiful flowers.
A. like to give
B. like giving
C. likes gives
D. would like to give
96. ……… about going to Nha Trang?
A. Why
B. What
C. Where
D. When
97. We have lots of……… in the summer.
A. rain
B. raining
C. rains
D. rainy
98. There are twelve months in a……….
A. week
B. year
C. hour
D. weekend
99. They buy some fruit but………. vegetables.
A. some
B. any
C. little
D. no
100. ………. walk on the grass.
A. No
B. Not
C. Don’t
D. Doesn’t
101. When do you have Maths? – I have Maths classes ………. Thursday and Friday.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. from
102. Children should ………. their teeth before going to bed.
A. to brush
B. brush
C. brushing
D. brushes
103. My father likes coffee, but my mother ………..
A. don’t
B. don’t like
C. doesn’t
D. doesn’t like
104. What …… Mr. Tom? – I am saying nothing.
A. do you say
B. are you say
C. did you say
D. are you saying
105. Which sport do you play?– I play……….
A. table-tennis
B. swim
C. sports
D. games
106. He ……….goes for a walk in the morning.
A. no
B. never
C. not
D. doesn’t
107. …………………….?- She often has breakfast at 6 a.m.
A. What does Sara often do at 6 a.m
B. What time does Sara often have breakfast
C. When does Sare often have breakfast
D. All are correct.
108. Who are all ……….people?
A. this
B. that
C. those
D. them
109. Shirt, trousers, skirts are…………
A. dresses
B. clothes
C. blouse
D. wears
110. Close the door…….It’s cold here.
A. --
B. up
C. to
D. have
111. …………………….?- No, she isn’t. She’s in the English class.
A. Is Cindy in the English class
B. Is Cindy from England
C. Is Cindy in the French class
D. Is English interesting
112. Which pencil do you want?- …………..
A. That one.
B. That’s it.
C. Here is.
D. Yes, please.
113. …………………….?- No, she isn’t. We’re in Miss Nancy’s class.
A. Is Miss Mary your teacher
B. Are you in Miss Nancy’s class
C. Is Miss Nancy your teacher
D. Are you in Miss Mary’s classs
114. Where does your aunt live? – She lives …….a small house on King street.
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. for
115. Our classroom is on ……. floor.
A. three
B. third
C. the three
D. the third
116. My family are going to stay at a ……. house in Nha Trang.
A. friend
B. friends
C. friend’s
D. friends’
117. ……your mother like noodles? – No, she wouldn’t.
A. Can
B. Would
C. Can’t
D. Does
118. How is your little daughter? – She is fine,……….
A. thank.
B. thank you.
C. thanks you.
D. you thank.
119. How often does your aunt go to farm? – ….……….
A. One
B. Once a week.
C. Two.
D. Once time.
120. What is your ….……….season?
A. likes
B. interesting
C. favourite
D. good
121. Xiao Mei is Chinese. She .………. Chinese.
A. says
B. tells
C. speaks
D. talks
122. I don’t like living in Sapa because it …….………..
A. always rain.
B. always to rain.
C. rain always.
D. always rains.
123. I’m travelling by bus and …. a lot of interesting places.
A. visit
B. to visit
C. visiting
D. is visiting
124. My father is an engineer. – My sister is an engineer, ……
A. too
B. and
C. to
D. so
125. The ……is cold and wet.
A. time
B. day
C. weather
D. season
126. The Bakers are going to visit ……of interesting places.
A. a much
B. a many
C. a lot
D. a little
127. What’s ……..breakfast, Mom? There’s some bread and eggs.
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. in
128. How many …….are there in a year? - Four.
A. months
B. days
C. weeks
D. seasons
129. My sister doesn’t have…………
A. hair long black.
B. long black hair.
C. black long hair.
D. black hair long.
130. I want to go to the………to see some tigers.
A. post office
B. bookshop
C. clothing store
D. zoo
131. What’s his job? – He’s a.……….
A. teacher.
B. engineer.
C. work
D. housework.
132. Do you like to .……….?
A. hear to music
B. listen of music
C. listen music
D. listen to music
133. Fish is my favourite .……….
A. drink.
B. fruit.
C. juice.
D. food.
134. My son often .……….his teeth before going to bed.
A. washes
B. brushes
C. cleans
D. gets
135. .……….go to the movie tonight? – Ok!
A. Let’s
B. What about
C. Why don’t we
D. How about
137. What are we going to do? ……………
A. Let we go camping!
B. What about going camping?
C. Why do we go camping?
D. What about to go camping?
138. ………. Music lessons, we learn to sing songs.
A. On
B. Between
C. At
D. During
139. People often to the ……….to swim.
A. stadium
B. beach
C. city
D. moutain
140. I have a glass of water or fruit ……….with my meal.
A. milk
B. juice
C. soda
D. lemonade
141. His mother is at the store. She…….something.
A. buy
B. buys
C. to buy
D. is buying
142. What ……she like? She likes chocolate, fruit and vegetables.
A. does
B. is
C. would
D. do
143. How often do you do morning exercises in the summer? - ………..
A. I sometimes do.
B. Yes, I do.
C. I like it.
D. I play soccer.
144. Both Jack and Bobby are good……….. Maths.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. of
145. What do you want to do at the weekend? - ………..
A. I do, too.
B. I’m free at the weekends.
C. Yes, that’s great.
D. Play volleyball with friends.
146. Thu and Nga often help ……mother after school.
A. she
B. they
C. their
D. her
147. What would you like ……. lunch?
A. of
B. on
C. in
D. for
148. Where……. you yesterday? You didn’t go to school.
A. were
B. is
C. are
D. was
149. What weather does she like? – She likes ………………
A. weather warm.
B. warm.
C. a warm weather.
D. warm weather.
150. Can I help you? ………, please. I need a kilo of beef.
A. No
B. Sorry
C. Can
D. Yes
151. ……… your brother swim? Yes, he can.
A. Will
B. Does
C. Can
D. Is
152. There is a restaurant and a bookstore………the street.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. of
153. Jack …..tired and he’d like to sit down for a while.
A. are
B. is
C. do
D. does
154. Are ….. four people in your family, Jack?
A. it
B. they
C. we
D. there
155. She is putting ten .….. on her birthday cake.
A. pencil
B. pencils
C. candle
D. candles
156. How many classes…..… your school, Jane? There are twenty.
A. is there
B. are there
C. have there
D. there have
157. …..….. do you go to work? – I walk.
A. How many
B. How much
C. How
D. By what
158. Is your school in the country …..… in the city?
A. and
B. at
C. or
D. so
159. We are ging to buy ..….. for Peter’s birthday.
A. sun flower
B. some flowers
C. some flower
D. sun flowers
160. My uncle works as an architect in ..….. company.
A. this
B. these
C. the
D. there
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