Review 20 units

Chia sẻ bởi Vũ Hà Thu Phương | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 47

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Review 20 units thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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Review - Grade 5
Teacher: Vũ Hà Thu Phương – Nguyễn Phúc Primary School – Yên Bái City
Mình mới làm xong chưa kịp soát lỗi. Muốn gửi luôn cho các bạn tham khảo cho tiết tổng kết cuối năm.
Unit 1: A summer camp
1. Where in Thailand are you from?
I’m from Bangkok.
2. What’s his/ her nationality?
He/ She’s Vietnamese.
Countries: America, China, Thailand, Cambodia,…
Nationality: American, Chinese, Thai,Cambodian,…
Unit 2: My friend’s house
1. Where do you live?
I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street.
I live on the second floor of Vincom Tower.
2. What’s your house like?
It’s a big house. It’s got a green gate.
Address: avenue,road, lane, street, …
Things: gate, roof, yard, balcony, fence, …
Unit 3: A birthday party
1. What present did you give Mai?
I gave her a pink doll.
2. What did you do at the party?
I sang many songs.
Gifts: comic book, doll, balloon,jigsaw puzzle,…
Activities: sing, dance, play the guitar,
Unit 4: Mai’s day
1. What does she/ he often do in the morning?
She/ He often does homework.
2. What did you do last night?
I surfed the net.
Activities: sing, draw, play the piano,watch ,…
Unit 5: Our picnic to the seaside
1. What will we do in the morning?
I will sunbathe.
2. What will you be in the future?
I’ll be a singer.
Jobs: teacher, doctor, architect, astronaut,…
Activities: explore, sunbathe, build sandcastles,…
Unit 6: A visit to the zoo
1. What did you do at the zoo?
We walked around to see animals.
2. What did you see at the animal show?
I saw two tigers jumping through the burning hoops.
Activities: walk, dance, jump, see
Animals: tiger, elephant, snake, horse,….
Unit 7: My favourite sports and games
1. What’s your favourite sport/ game?
My favourite sport/ game is football/ chess.
It’s football/ chess.
2. How often do you play table tennis?
I often play it twice a week.
Sport and game: football, chess, volleyball, …
Adverb: often, sometimes, always, usually,…
Unit 8: My favourite books
1. What book are you reading?
I’m reading The star fruit tree.
2. What’s Son Goku like?
He’s intelligent and brave.
Books: Dragon Balls, Conan, The Starfruit Tree, …
Adjective: intelligent, good – natured, gentle,…
Unit 9: Our teachers’ Day
1.When is Teachers’ Day in Malaysia?
It’s on May 16th .
2. These flowers are for you. Thank you.
3. This greeting card is for you. Thank you.
Months: November 20th , September 5th , …
Gifts: song, poem, greeting card, flower,….
Unit 10: How I learn English
1. What subject do you like best?
I like Maths.
2. How do you learn to speak English?
I practise speaking every day.
Activities: listen, speak, read, write, practise
Subjects: Music, English, Science, Vietnamese,….
Unit 11: What’s the matter with you?
1. What’s the matter with you?
I’ve got a toothache.
2. I’ve got a sore throat.
You should see the doctor.
Advice: see the doctor, take a rest, drink hot milk,…
Diseases: flu, headache, toothache, backache,….
Unit 12: Our free- time activities
1. What do you do in your free time?
I often draw pictures.
2. What did you do in Nha Trang?
First, I went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
Then I visited Vinpearl Land.
Activities: go camping, take a boat, ride a cable car,…
Famous places: Vinpearl Land, Tri Nguyen Aquarium,..
Unit 13: Accident Prevention
1. Don’t ride too fast.
You may fall off your bike.
2. Why shouldn’t you /they jump into the river?
Because we/ they may drown.

Danger: fall, drown, get a burn, get a cut, ….
Unit 14: My favourite stories
1. What happened first?
The fox asked, “Will you give some meat?”
2. What character do you like?
I like the fox. It’s clever.
Characters: fox, crow, Snow White, Ali Baba,…..
Adjective: clever, brave, gentle, good- natured, …..
Unit 15: My dream house
1. What will your dream house be like?
It’ll be a large house in the city.
It’s got a garden in the front.
2. What will there be in your dream house?
There will be a computer. I’ll use it to learn English.
Position: mountain, city, village, by the sea, ….
Unit 16: The weather and seasons

1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
It’ll be cold.
2. What’s summer like in your country?
It’s often hot. There is much rain.
Weather: hot, cold, warm, cool, snowy, foggy, ….
Seasons: summer, autumn, fall, spring, dry season,….
Unit 17: My hometown
1. How did you get to your hometown?
I got to my hometown by train.
2. How long does it take to get there by bus?
It takes me ten minutes.

Means of transport: bus, coach, taxi, train, motorbike,….
Time: hour, minute, second….
Unit 18: Life in the Village and City

1. What’s London like?
It’s beautiful. It’s got a lot of parks.
2. Which city is bigger, Tokyo or London?
Tokyo is.

Places: London, Tokyo, Da Lat, Do Son,….
Comparison: bigger, smaller, larger, higher,….
Unit 19: Road signs

1. What does this sign mean?
It means we must stop.
2. How did it happen?
A motorbike rider hit me.
I didn’t wear the helmet.
Road signs: turn right/ left, stop, slow down, ….
Unit 20: Finding the way

1. Where’s the post office?
Go along the street. It’s by/ near the lake.
2. How can I get to the zoo?
You can take the bus 22.
Means of transport: bus, coach, taxi, train, motorbike,….
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