DÍCIPLINE in the classroom

Chia sẻ bởi Phạm Trình Thảo Nguyên | Ngày 11/05/2019 | 377

Chia sẻ tài liệu: DÍCIPLINE in the classroom thuộc Tiếng Anh

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Discipline in the classroom
When you read “night” you might think of the words “dark” or “day”.
when you read “sky” the first word that came to your mind was “blue” or “high”.
In my case, I would probably have gone with “punishment” or “set right”.
Let’s play a quick word association game.
I will say one word, and you will say the first thing that comes to your mind when you read that word. Don’t think for long. Just say the first word that occurs to you.
Did you know
The word discipline originates from the Latin word ‘disciplina’ which means teaching, learning and growing.
Discipline is the practice of teaching or training a person to obey rules or a code of behaviour in both the short and long terms.
It is meant to teach a student self-control and confidence.
What’s discipline?
Positive Discipline
“Positive Discipline” an idea that focuses on reverting things back to the roots – when Student do something wrong, instead of punishing them, teachers teach and guide them to set the behavior right.
While punishment is a single act, positive discipline is a four-step process that recognizes and rewards appropriate behaviour in the following manner.
Features of effective classroom rules

The Teacher Education and Special Education journal published a review of the literature on creating and managing effective classroom rules and behavior.  Teachers report that verbal disruptions, noncompliance, and being off-task are the most frequently observed challenging behaviors.   Ineffective classroom management changes the overall classroom environment, affecting students’ social and academic outcomes and teachers’ self-efficacy, attrition, and burnout.  
The researchers identified seven features of effective classroom rules:
Establishing a smaller number of rules is better than larger.
Gather student feedback, discuss with the students and then create the rules with the students.
Using wording that describes the desired behaviors when creating rules.  
Create specific and observable rules.
Hang up the rules to serve as a visual reminder for students and teachers.
Make sure you actually take the time to teach the students.
Create positive and negative consequences.  
“Being an effective Class Discripline
is not a talent which some people just have
and others do not – it is a set of skills
and an attitude learned throught
patience and practice”
Thank You
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