Chuong 6-Group IVA

Chia sẻ bởi Triệu Văn Trác | Ngày 18/03/2024 | 8

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Chuong 6-Group IVA thuộc Hóa học

Nội dung tài liệu:

Carbon C 6 [He]2s22p2
Silicon Si 14 [Ne]3s23p2
Germanium Ge 32 [Ar]3d104s24p2
Tin Sn 50 [Kr]4d105s25p2
Lead Pb 82 [Rn]4f145d106s26p2
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Cấu tạo vỏ điện tử hóa trị
Trạng thái oxy hóa
Qui luật biến đổi
Tính bền số OXH +IV giảm dần và +II tăng dần
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
C-C 348 kJ/mol Organic
Si-Si 219
Ge-Ge 167
Sn-Sn 155
Si-O 452 Silicate
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
…Carbon, although the second most abundant element in living organisms, accounts for only 0.02 of the mass of the earth`s crust …
Đơn chất
Cacbon oxit – CO
Cacbon dioxit, muối cacbonat
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
The 10 most abundant elements by mass (a) in the earth’s crust and (b) in the human body. All are main-group elements except iron and titanium.
a) Diamond
b) Graphite
c) Lonsdaleite
d) Buckminsterfullerene
e) C540
f) C70
g) Amorphous carbon
h) single-walled
carbon nanotube
Radioactive Dating
Radiocarbon Dating
12C 13C 14C
98.89% 1.11%
The potassium–argon and uranium–lead methods are used for dating older objects.
Two crystalline allotropes of carbon: (a) Graphite is a covalent network solid consisting of two-dimensional sheets of six-membered rings. The atoms in each sheet are offset slightly from the atoms in the neighboring sheets. (b) Diamond is a vast, three-dimensional array of sp3-hybridized carbon atoms, each of which is bonded with tetrahedral geometry to four other carbons.
Allotropes of carbon
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Fullerene, C60, is a molecular solid whose molecules have the shape of a soccer ball. The ball has 12 pentagonal and 20 hexagonal faces, and each carbon atom is sp2-hybridized
Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon that looks like a soccer ball, while carbon nanotubes are an allotrope with qualities similar to fullerene and graphite.
A portion of one unit cell of the face-centered cubic structure of K3C60 viewed perpendicular to a cube face. The C60 “buckyballs” are located at the cube corners and face centers, and the K+ions (red and blue spheres) are in two kinds of holes between the C603-ions. The K+ions shown in red lie in the plane of the cube face (the plane of the paper) and are surrounded octahedrally by six C603-ions. Those shown in blue lie in a plane one-fourth of a cell edge length below the plane of the paper and are surrounded tetrahedrally by four C603-ions.
Face-centered cubic unit cell of K3C60 which is a metallic conductor at room temperature but becomes superconducting at 18 K
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Than nâu, than đá, than antraxit hình thành do hóa thạch yếm khí của thực vật.
Đá vôi CaCO3, dolomit MgCO3.CaCO3.
Trong dầu mỏ.
Mô sinh vật.
Kim cương.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Than được dùng làm nhiên liệu hoặc nguyên liệu.
Graphit dùng phụ gia cho dầu bôi trơn, điện cực, chén nung, trục tên lửa, làm chậm notron trong pin nguyên tử.
Than muội dùng chất độn cho cao su, chế tạo mực in, giấy than, chất hấp thụ màu, tinh chế khí-dung dịch, xúc tác, chất mang.
Kim cương dùng làm trục, bàn ren, mũi khoan, dụng cụ cắt gọt, đồ trang sức.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
…Carbon, although the second most abundant element in living organisms, accounts for only 0.02 of the mass of the earth`s crust …
Đơn chất
Cacbon oxit – CO
Cacbon dioxit, muối cacbonat
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Carbon monoxide
Khí không màu, không mùi, khó hóa lỏng.
Có cực và rất độc.
Dễ kết hợp với hemoglobin của máu tạo phức bền gấp 300 lần so với phức của oxy
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Dùng làm nhiên liệu
Chất độc hóa học: photgen
Tổng hợp metanol công nghiệp
Điều chế kim loại có độ sạch cao
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Trong lò cao
Khí hơi nước
Khí lò ga
Khí than đá
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
…Carbon, although the second most abundant element in living organisms, accounts for only 0.02 of the mass of the earth`s crust …
Đơn chất
Cacbon oxit – CO
Cacbon dioxit, muối cacbonat
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
CO2 bền ở nhiệt độ cao  dùng để chữa cháy trừ cháy kim loại
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
…Bảo quản thực phẩm, tạo ga nước giải khát, tổng hợp ure, dùng trồng cây trong nhà kính, chữa cháy, làm lạnh một số pin nguyên tử, thay thế freon trong sol khí …
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Dễ tan trong nước; Không bền nhiệt
NaHCO3 làm bột giặt, nước giải khát, dược, chữa cháy
Đa số ít tan trong nước trừ với amoni, kim loại kiềm
Không bền nhiệt
Na2CO3 có ứng dụng nhiều để sản xuát thủy tinh, làm mềm nước, chất tẩy rửa, chế tạo muối vô cơ, sản xuất giấy, loại S khỏi gang, khử ô nhiễm do SO2
PP Solvay
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
… giải thích độ bền nhiệt của muối cacbonat kim loại tăng khi bán kính ion kim loại tăng và độ âm điện của kim loại giảm…
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Đơn chất
The largest application of pure silicon (metallurgical grade silicon) is in aluminum - silicon alloys, often called "light alloys", to produce cast parts, mainly for automotive industry (this represents about 55 % of the world consumption of pure silicon).
The second largest application of pure silicon is as a raw material in the production of silicones (about 40 % of the world consumption of silicon)
Pure silicon is also used to produce ultrapure silicon for electronic and photovoltaic applications :
Semiconductor - Ultrapure silicon can be doped with other elements to adjust its electrical response by controlling the number and charge (positive or negative) of current carriers. Such control is necessary for transistors, solar cells, semiconductor detectors and other semiconductor devices which are used in electronics and other high-tech applications.
Photonics - Silicon can be used as a continuous wave raman laser to produce coherent light with a wavelength of 1,698 nm.
LCDs and solar cells - Hydrogenated amorphous silicon is widely used in the production of low-cost, large-area electronics in applications such as LCDs. It has also shown promise for large-area, low-cost solar cells.
Steel and cast iron - Silicon is an important constituent of some steels, and it is used in the production process of cast iron. It is introduced as ferro-silicon or silico-calcium alloys.
Silicon compounds
Construction: Silicon dioxide or silica in the form of sand and clay is an important ingredient of concrete and brick and is also used to produce Portland cement.
Pottery/Enamel - It is a refractory material used in high-temperature material production and its silicates are used in making enamels and pottery.
Glass - Silica from sand is a principal component of glass. Glass can be made into a great variety of shapes and with a many different physical properties. Silica is used as a base material to make window glass, containers, insulators, and many other useful objects.
Abrasives - Silicon carbide is one of the most important abrasives.
Medical materials - Silicones are flexible compounds containing silicon-oxygen and silicon-carbon bonds; they are widely used in applications such as artificial breast implants and contact lenses. Silicones are also used in many other applications.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Si kỹ thuật (96-98%): sản xuất hợp kim nhôm, silicon
Si tinh khiết: công nghiệp điện tử
SiHCl3 được chưng phân đoạn, rồi khử bởi hydro ở 1000 oC.
Phân hủy SiH4.
Phương pháp nóng chảy vùng.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Đơn chất
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Cấu tạo, thành phần giống ankan
Số lượng ít hơn do Si-Si kém bền so với C-C
Tính chất lý học giống ankan
Tính chất hóa học rất khác ankan
Tính khử mạnh: tự bốc cháy trong không khí, tỏa nhiều nhiệt
Phản ứng mãnh liệt với halogen ở nhiệt độ thường kèm theo nổ
Bị thủy phân trong dung dịch kiềm
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Several industrial and medical applications exist for silanes. For instance, silanes are used as coupling agents to adhere glass fibers to a polymer matrix, stabilizing the composite material. They can also be used to couple a bio-inert layer on a titanium implant. Other applications include water repellents, masonry protection, control of graffiti [1], applying polycrystalline silicon layers on silicon wafers when manufacturing semiconductors, and sealants
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Đơn chất
Asbestos is a fibrous material because of its chain structure. (b) Mica cleaves into thin sheets because of its two-dimensional layer structure. (c) A shorthand representation of the double-stranded chain anion (Si4O116-)n in asbestos minerals. Two of the single-stranded chains of Figure 19.6d are laid side by side, and half of the SiO4 tetrahedra share an additional O atom. (d) The layer anion (Si4O104-)n in mica is formed by the sharing of three O atoms per SiO4 tetrahedron. Note again that the number of negative charges on each repeating unit equals the number of terminal O atoms in that unit.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Both quartz and orthoclase are structurally similar to SiO2. However, their molecular differences result in different crystalline structures and colors.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Silic tetraflorua
Axit hexaflorosilicic
Thủy tinh lỏng
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
One unit cell of the cubic form of silicon carbide, SiC. The Si atoms are located at the corners and face centers of a face-centered cubic unit cell, while the C atoms occupy cavities (tetrahedral holes) between four Si atoms. Each C atom is bonded tetrahedrally to four Si atoms, and each Si atom is bonded tetrahedrally to four C atoms. The crystal can’t deform under stress because the bonds are strong and highly directional.
Cubic unit cell of silicon carbide, a covalent network solid crystallizes in a diamond structure.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Silica is manufactured in several forms including:
glass (a colorless, high-purity form is called fused silica)
synthetic amorphous silica
silica gel (used e.g. as desiccants in new clothes and leather goods)
Inexpensive soda-lime glass is the most common and typically found in drinking glasses, bottles, and windows.
Silica, along with alumina (silica-alumina), forms a major part of the crystal lattice of clay minerals. These decompose on firing and form part of the microstructure of clay based ceramics such as earthenware, stoneware and porcelain
Silica is a major ingredient of Portland cement.
The ceramic re-entry heat protection tiles mounted on the bottom side of the Space Shuttles are made mostly of silica (see HRSI), as are the firebricks used in steel processing.
It is the substance upon which silica aerogels are based.
Silica is also used as a food additive, primarily as a flow agent in powdered foods, or to absorb water (see the ingredients list for Burger King).
The natural skin, or oxide coating, that grows on silicon is hugely beneficial in microelectronics. It is a superior insulator, possessing high chemical stability, and in electrical applications it can protect the silicon, store charge, block current, and even act as a controlled pathway to allow small currents to flow through a device. At room temperature, however, it grows extremely slowly, and so to manufacture such oxide layers on silicon, the traditional method has been the deliberate heating of silicon in high temperature furnaces within an oxygen ambient.
Silica is the central component in most glass optical fibers.
Silica in the form of Silicon Dioxide Ph. Eur. 6x. is also used as a homeopathic remedy to treat impure blood, brittle nails and lack lustre hair.
Silica is also used in the extraction of DNA and RNA due to its ability to bind to the nucleic acids under the presence of chaotropes.
Silica is added to medicinal anti-foaming agent, like Simethicone, with a small portion to enhance defoaming activity.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Carbon C 6 [He]2s22p2
Silicon Si 14 [Ne]3s23p2
Germanium Ge 32 [Ar]3d104s24p2
Tin Sn 50 [Kr]4d105s25p2
Lead Pb 82 [Rn]4f145d106s26p2
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Solid tin has two allotropes at normal pressure. At low temperatures it exists as gray or alpha tin, which has a cubic crystal structure similar to silicon and germanium. When warmed above 13.2 °C it changes into white or beta tin, which is metallic and has a tetragonal structure. It slowly changes back to the gray form when cooled, which is called the tin pest or tin disease. However, this transformation is affected by impurities such as aluminium and zinc and can be prevented from occurring through the addition of antimony or bismuth.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
cubic face centered
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Cấu tạo vỏ điện tử hóa trị
Trạng thái oxy hóa
Qui luật biến đổi
Tính bền số OXH +IV giảm dần và +II tăng dần
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Tác dụng với H+
Quá thế thoát hidro lớn
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Axit beta-stanic
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
Unlike most semiconductors, germanium has a small band gap, allowing it to efficiently respond to infrared light. It is therefore used in infrared spectroscopes and other optical equipment which require extremely sensitive infrared detectors. Its oxide`s index of refraction and dispersion properties make germanium useful in wide-angle camera lenses and in microscope objective lenses.
Germanium transistors are still used in some stompboxes by musicians who wish to reproduce the distinctive tonal character of the "fuzz"-tone from the early rock and roll era. Vintage stompboxes known to contain germanium transistors have shown marked increases in collector value for this reason alone.
The alloy Silicon germanide (commonly referred to as "silicon-germanium", or SiGe) is rapidly becoming an important semiconductor material, for use in high speed integrated circuits. Circuits utilising the properties of Si-SiGe junctions can be much faster than those using silicon alone.
Tin bonds readily to iron, and has been used for coating lead or zinc and steel to prevent corrosion. Tin-plated steel containers are widely used for food preservation, and this forms a large part of the market for metallic tin. Speakers of British English call them "tins"; Americans call them "cans". One thus-derived use of the slang term "tinnie" or "tinny" means "can of beer". The tin whistle is so called because it was first mass-produced in tin-plated steel.
Other uses:
Some important tin alloys are: bronze, bell metal, Babbitt metal, die casting alloy, pewter, phosphor bronze, soft solder, and White metal.
The most important salt formed is stannous chloride, which has found use as a reducing agent and as a mordant in the calico printing process. Electrically conductive coatings are produced when tin salts are sprayed onto glass. These coatings have been used in panel lighting and in the production of frost-free windshields.
Window glass is most often made via floating molten glass on top of molten tin (creating float glass) in order to make a flat surface (this is called the "Pilkington process").
Tin is one of the two basic elements used since the Rennaisance in the manufacture of organ pipes (the other being lead). The amount of tin in the pipe defines the pipe`s tone, tin being the most tonally resonant of all metals.
Tin is also used in solders for joining pipes or electric circuits, in bearing alloys, in glass-making, and in a wide range of tin chemical applications. Although of higher melting point than a lead-tin alloy, the use of pure tin or tin alloyed with other metals in these applications is rapidly supplanting the use of the previously common lead–containing alloys in order to eliminate the problems of toxicity caused by lead.
Tin foil was once a common wrapping material for foods and drugs; replaced in 1910 by the use of aluminium foil, which is now commonly referred to as tin foil. Hence one use of the slang term "tinnie" or "tinny" for a small retail package of a drug such as cannabis or for a can of beer.
Tin becomes a superconductor below 3.72 K. In fact, tin was one of the first superconductors to be studied; the Meissner effect, one of the characteristic features of superconductors, was first discovered in superconducting tin crystals. The niobium-tin compound Nb3Sn is commercially used as wires for superconducting magnets, due to the material`s high critical temperature (18 K) and critical magnetic field (25 T). A superconducting magnet weighing only a couple of kilograms is capable of producing magnetic fields comparable to a conventional electromagnet weighing tons
Lead is a major constituent of the lead-acid battery used extensively in car batteries.
Lead is used as a coloring element in ceramic glazes, notably in the colors red and yellow.
Lead is used as projectiles for firearms and fishing sinkers because of its density, low cost compared to alternative products and ease of use due to relatively low melting point.[1]
Lead is used in some candles to treat the wick to ensure a longer, more even burn. Because of the dangers, European and North American manufacturers use more expensive alternatives such as zinc.[2]
Lead is used as shielding from radiation.
Molten lead is used as a coolant, eg. for lead cooled fast reactors.
Lead glass is composed of 12-28% lead. It changes the optical characteristics of the glass and reduces the transmission of radiation.
Lead is the traditional base metal of organ pipes, mixed with varying amounts of tin to control the tone of the pipe.
Lead is used as electrodes in the process of electrolysis.
Lead is used in solder for electronics.
Lead is used in high voltage power cables as sheathing material to prevent water diffusion into insulation.
Lead is used for the ballast keel of sailboats. Its high weight-to-volume ratio allows it to counterbalance the heeling effect of wind on the sails while at the same time occupying a small volume and thus offering the least underwater resistance.
Lead is added to brass to reduce machine tool wear.
Lead sheets are used as roofing material.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
MH4: kém bền. PbH4 chỉ tồn tại ở nhiệtđộ thấp
MX4: dễ thủy phân, tạo phức với X
MO: không tan trong nước, lưỡng tính
Department of Inorganic Chemistry - HUT
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