Bai tap
Chia sẻ bởi Ngô Thị Tín |
Ngày 06/11/2018 |
Chia sẻ tài liệu: bai tap thuộc Tin học 9
Nội dung tài liệu:
List the potential stakeholders.
Marketing manager
A team member
List the product features for eTafeOrder system
Browse Product
Search Product
Register as Customer
Shopping List
Order By Catalogue
Log in
Add to basket
View Shopping Basket
Check Out:
Secure payment method
Easy Browsing
Search by multiple criteria
E-mail notification of new items of interest
Ability to add or remove the listing products under special circumstances
List five non-functional requirements for the eTafeOrder system.
Privacy & security
Frequently asked questions
Response time
Interface Guideline
Write a Vision Document for the system. You must use the RUP document template. You may re-use the information that you have done in Requirement 1, 2 & 3.
Introduction (Agree on the problem, capture vocabulary)
Positioning (Problem statement)
Stakeholder and User Descriptions (Identify stakeholders/ actors)
Product overview (Define boundaries)
Product Features (Brainstorm features)
Constraints (Identify constraints)
Quality Ranges
Precedence and Priority
Other Product Requirements
Documentation Requirements
Appendix – Feature Attributes (Develop Requirement Management Plan)
Write the Use-Case Model Survey document which will include the primary and secondary cases.
Write Step-by-Step Outlines on Browse Product use case and Add to Basket use cases. (You will get 0.25 merit point for including the appropriate alternative flows and include/extend/generalisation features.)
Write Use Case Detail Reports on Browse Product use case and Add to Basket use cases.
Marketing manager
A team member
List the product features for eTafeOrder system
Browse Product
Search Product
Register as Customer
Shopping List
Order By Catalogue
Log in
Add to basket
View Shopping Basket
Check Out:
Secure payment method
Easy Browsing
Search by multiple criteria
E-mail notification of new items of interest
Ability to add or remove the listing products under special circumstances
List five non-functional requirements for the eTafeOrder system.
Privacy & security
Frequently asked questions
Response time
Interface Guideline
Write a Vision Document for the system. You must use the RUP document template. You may re-use the information that you have done in Requirement 1, 2 & 3.
Introduction (Agree on the problem, capture vocabulary)
Positioning (Problem statement)
Stakeholder and User Descriptions (Identify stakeholders/ actors)
Product overview (Define boundaries)
Product Features (Brainstorm features)
Constraints (Identify constraints)
Quality Ranges
Precedence and Priority
Other Product Requirements
Documentation Requirements
Appendix – Feature Attributes (Develop Requirement Management Plan)
Write the Use-Case Model Survey document which will include the primary and secondary cases.
Write Step-by-Step Outlines on Browse Product use case and Add to Basket use cases. (You will get 0.25 merit point for including the appropriate alternative flows and include/extend/generalisation features.)
Write Use Case Detail Reports on Browse Product use case and Add to Basket use cases.
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...
Người chia sẻ: Ngô Thị Tín
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