Unit 4. The mass media. Lesson 5. Listening

Chia sẻ bởi Đỗ Thị Kim Giang | Ngày 19/03/2024 | 5

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 4. The mass media. Lesson 5. Listening thuộc Tiếng anh 12

Nội dung tài liệu:

Watch a short video introducing about an English learning app and take note:

+ Name of this app
+ Its functions

Activity 1: Running Dictation Game
Complete the missing words in the text
- Three members of the group take turn to go to the board
- Read the text, find missing words
- Come back and read for other members in the group to write down the missing words
*Winner: The group finishes first and has the most correct answers
Student A: I can now talk with my friends and relatives using a free video chat (1) on my favorite social media. I can also (2) my own videos and send them to other people. I can even use a(n) (3) app to find my way around in a new place.
Student B: I got an A on my English test last week. I’m so proud because I worked so hard. I joined a(n) (4) online course taught by an experienced tutor. I also became a member of an online language community where I was able to (5) with native speakers, ask questions and practice speaking via (6) and video chat.
Student C: I’ve been using different social media sites for a year and they have really changed my life. I can connect with people I know and make new friends any time. I can also post (7) on my projects and start an open discussion with my classmates.
Running Dictation:

Social Media
Mạng xã hội
= Social network:

application /app (n) : program designed to do a particular job; a piece of software

ứng dụng

An interactive course allows information to be passed continuously and in both directions between a computer and the person who uses it
Tương tác
Khóa học tương tác
An interactive course:
Tutor (n)
a private teacher, especially one who teaches an individual student or a very small group
Gia sư
Cộng đồng học ngôn ngữ trên mạng
Language community:
Online language community:
Cộng đồng
Cộng đồng học ngôn ngữ
a person who speaks a language as their first language
Native (a):
( thuộc về) bản xứ
A native speaker:
Người bản xứ
a card with a word or picture on it, that teachers use during lessons
Thẻ học từ vựng
Have writing draft corrected:
Sửa lại bài viết
Writing draft:
Bài viết nháp
Social media = social network : mạng xã hội
Application/app (n): ứng dụng
Interactive (a) : tương tác
Tutor (n): gia sư
Native (a): bản xứ
Flashcard (n): thẻ từ
Community(n): cộng đồng
Writing draft (n): bài viết nháp

Activity 2: Listen to 2 students talking about language learning applications. Which of the following didn’t they talk about?
1. Lan’s English test results.
2. Nam’s birthday.
3. Language learning courses.
4. Playing online games
5. Chatting online with native speaker.
6. Writing a blog

Activity 3: Listen again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions by circling A, B or C.
How does Lan learn new vocabulary?
She learned vocabulary anywhere through some downloaded language learning apps on her smart phone.
She likes taking note all new words.
C.She stayed at home,used her computer and learned by heart new vocabulary.
2. Why does Lan like playing English games?
Because they are free.
Because they help her relax after work.
Because she wants to improve her English.
3. How does Lan connect with native speakers of English?
She writes emails.
She uses some social networking sites.
She joins an English club.

4. How did she create her flashcards?
She had her friends make them.
She bought them online.
She used a free program on her smartphone.
How does Lan learn new vocabulary?
A. She learned vocabulary anywhere through some downloaded
language learning apps on her smart phone.
B. She likes taking note all new words.
C. She stayed at home, used her computer and learned by heart new vocabulary.
2. Why does Lan like playing English games?
A. Because they are free.
B. Because they help her relax after work.
C. Because she wants to improve her English.
3. How does Lan connect with native speakers of English?
She writes emails.
She uses some social networking sites.
She joins an English club.
4. How did she create her flashcards?
She had her friends make them.
She bought them online.
She used a free program on her smartphone.

Activity 4: Group work

Use some language learning apps
Make friends with foreigners
Learn new words
Write a short paragraph about the ways you can improve your English.
Prepare for the next lesson

Thanks for your attention !
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Người chia sẻ: Đỗ Thị Kim Giang
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