Unit 13. Films and cinema

Chia sẻ bởi Phạm Hoa Lư | Ngày 08/05/2019 | 185

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 13. Films and cinema thuộc Tiếng Anh 10

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Unit 13
(P1- reading)
Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on T.V? and why?
Group work : Discuss the following questions
Group 1

Can you name some of the films you have seen recently?
Names of some films
Tom and Jerry

Group 2
Some kinds of films: . Cartoon films . Science fiction films . Horror films . Detective films . Love story films . Action films

The reasons:
Group 3
What kind of films do you like to see? Why?
Discuss the following questions
Group 1
Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on T.V? why?

Group 2

Can you name some of the films you have seen recently?

Group 3

What kind of films do you like to see? Why?

A: Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on T.V? and why?

B :I like to go out to see a film because I can share my view with many people and I think the film will be more interesting, too. And you?

A:I think so! But to save time and money I prefer watching a film at home.
Group 1
Can you name some of the films you have seen recently?

Well, recently I have seen a lot of films such as: Titanic, Duong Doi, Chay An,….

Group 2
A. What kind of films do you like to see? Why?

B. Oh. I like watching cartoon films because they are very funny and attractive.
Group 3
Group work Task 1: Match the words in column A with their definitions in B
1. decade
2. rapidly
3. cinema
4. sequence
5. character
6. scene
a. film-making industry
b. series of related events or actions
c. a period of ten years
d. quickly and in a short time
e. part of a film
F. a person in a film
Task 2: Answer these questions:
1. When did the history of cinema begin?
2. What did scientists discover at that time?
3. Did films in the early days have sound?

4. When were audiences able to see long films?
5. When was sound introduced?
6. What form of films appeared as the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones?
Choose the colors below to find the questions to answer:
The red: question 2
The Answer of Question 2:

At that time scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement.
The yellow: question 1
The Answer of Question 1

The history of cinema began in the early 19th century

The black: question 5

The Answer of Question 5

The sound was introduced at the end of the 1920s
The violet: question 4
The Answer of Question 4

Audiences were able to see long films in the early 1910s
The blue: question 3
The Answer of Question 3

No, they didn?t
The white: question 6
The Answer of question 6

As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones, the musical cinema appeared.

The brown: Lucky color

The Answers:

The history of cinema began in the early 19th century
2. At that time scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement.
3. No, they didn?t
4. Audiences were able to see long films in the early 1910s
5.The sound was introduced at the end of the 1920s
6. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones, the musical cinema appeared.

Task 3:
Decide which of the options below is the best title for the passage:
A. The Story of a Film Maker
B. A brief History of cinema
C. The History of the Film Industry
Talk about the history of cinema, using these dates: 19th century, 1905, 1910s, 1915, 1920s
The end Thank you for attending my lesson
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